26 July, 2014

have you met HOUZZ?

Shamelessly, I spend too much time drooling over design on the web. I could spend countless hours online studying architecture, staring at luscious textiles, and just  gleaning ideas from others on how they've designed their homes. Houzz is a wonderful site devoted to design- - pretty much every element of it.  There's something for every taste there.  You can search by your design style.  The top navigation bar is pretty self explanatory. There is SO much to look at here. So if you're not already totally into Houzz.  You may have a new addiction.  You're welcome:)


25 July, 2014

Juan Collins

In the heat of summer there's nothing better than a cocktail that is oh-so refreshing! I'm not a big fan of really sweet cocktails.  A Juan Collins is light and has very little sugar so it's one of my favorite refreshers. It also helps that tequila is one my favorite spirits.:)  Here's how to make yourself one:
4.5 oz. of good Tequila
1.5 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 t. sugar (or more if you like it sweeter)
club soda or sparkling water
Fill a highball glass up with ice.  Add the tequila, lemon juice, and sugar.  Stir the glass with a long spoon.  Don't you love the sound of stirring ice! Well, I do anyway. Fill the remainder of the glass up with club soda.  Stir again gently and serve with a slice of lemon.  Enjoy!  

A mascara review

If I could only have one thing from my makeup bag for the rest of my life it would be mascara.  I love the stuff because I really feel as though mascara...it well...has my back.  It can in just a few seconds of wand stroking give me the semi-liquid black courage to make me feel fairly confident heading out of the house with only it accompanying me.  
I will say that Maybelline, in my opinion, makes the best drugstore mascaras.  Great lash used to be my absolute favorite and old stand by.  Then they came out with the Colossal Volum and that quickly replaced Great Lash as my steady.  I love this stuff.  I decided with summer-- and sweating more, being around water, more activity.. I would try the waterproof version.  I was really disappointed because the stuff is nearly impossible to remove!! I have to use make up remover cloths and then it still feels crusty.  When I wake up in the morning it's still running under my eyes. So I definitely DON'T recommend the waterproof version.  I will have to throw this out before I have no eyelashes left!  I will continue to buy the Regular Colossal Volum because it's a great product. 

A Gargling F I S H ! ! !

My favorite new thing for the kitchen is the Gurglepot!  I spotted these at Mall of America a couple weeks ago and I had to have one.  I can't wait to use this next time I have friends over for dinner.  They come in so many great colors...and best thing is it'll make you smile! -Get Your Gurgle Pot Here.