23 May, 2012

teaspoons and cinnamon

 I have a large silverware drawer with probably 3 or 4 different sets of flatware in it.  If I'm having company for dinner or setting a formal table I will take notice of matching patterns, but in our normal day to day routine we just grab and eat.  I thought it was interesting though to take note of the differences in these two spoons.  The top spoon is from a set we used when I was growing up in my parent's house.  When I got married my mom gave us a few things to start and I still have a spoon or two left.  The bottom spoon is from my newest set.  Although they are both teaspoons the difference in size is great.  I don't know if that says something about the modern design, or how much bigger our bites are these days.  hmmm...something to ponder.


 I love McCormick's black pepper grinders, but have you seen their cinnamon grinders?  I love using it for a really fresh cinnamon taste in recipes, over toast, and in my big bowl of oatmeal in the morning.  

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