31 March, 2011


I wanted to upload a few pictures of my living room floors before they begin replacing them tomorrow.  This is actually pergo.  It does resemble real wood until you get close.  Truthfully though, these floors have been a real nightmare to take care of.  If you walk on them barefoot or even in socks you will leave foot smudges all over.  When you clean them the streak badly.  I've tried many different tools and methods and I still get streaks. ugh.  
So, needless to say I'm super excited to finally be getting real hardwoods.  I'm going with a lighter floor that will not only show less footprints and dust, but will also make my room seem a little larger.  
That is my 8 year old leather set.  We still love it.  Yes, it's seen better days but until I find something I like better in my price range I'll be keeping it.  Also missing is my large rug. This room looks naked without a rug. A few weeks ago when my youngest was very ill with a flu type virus he...well, let's just say the damage spewed inflicted on the poor floor covering was significant.  There was no coming back from that.  I was grateful that the particular rug was older and not my favorite.  Still, having to trash any large rug feels like squandering $$$ in a major way.  But...it's just sTuFF.
I may put down my large Anthropologie rug when the floors are done.  It's a beautiful, 8x11, red dhurrie.  I've had it forever years but it's timeless.  Only problem is it moves around too much.
I'll post "after" pictures as soon as my floors are done.
Here's a couple different views.  Excuse the extra stuff laying around in the back. It's a bit of a mess. You can see my dark floors, dark furniture, dark blinds, etc... Thankfully, this room gets terrific light. Very traditional I know but I still love it. That chest/coffee table has got to go too.  You don't even want to know how much that thing weighs from all the junk in there. :) We want to eventually lose the huge armoire that houses our T.V. and mount it on the wall or above the fireplace. The armoire in the back is from Saudi Arabia.  It's a solid, hand carved beauty.  I bought it from an American oilman who lived over there for many years.  One project at a time--my husband has to constantly remind me of this.  
This summer as home school winds down and life becomes a little less crazy, I'm going to give my mantle a facelift via some paint and hang a painting or two I've been working on.  
After pics in a few days.  Yay!!!

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