24 March, 2011

The lovely curtains

I've been contemplating for a while now whether or not to place curtains over my L.R. bamboo shades.  The dark shades are a look I love, and the look is pretty much timeless, so whether I do curtains or not it's all good.  Regardless of what's "hot" now you must do what you love.  I believe design magazines and shows are terrific but in the end you're the one who's got to live with it.  And if you're anything like me (with a husband who's  a finance guy) I'll be living with my choices for quite a while if you know what I mean :)  That's why pieces I choose must stand the test of time.  Thankfully my hubs has lightened up a lot over the years realizing it's only money.  I've grown up a lot understanding that it's all just STUFF that means very little.  My love for design and his love for pinching pennies have melded together and learned to live in peace, harmony and much love. 

In the next few weeks I'm going to be posting some pictures of my living room.  We'll be replacing flooring on our main floor in the next couple weeks.  Not having found furniture I like yet, my 8 yr. old leather  sofas continues to occupy our L.R receiving much-o love from the family.  Blinded by the total comfortability factor is what it is I guess. 

Back to the point of my post----curtains.  I hope you enjoy looking at some of my favorites.  

Anthropologie merchandise is a favorite of mine. We have a store here in Nashville and there is nothing I love more than perusing the store.  Their store displays are epically represented and I find myself drooling while staring and wondering 'who thought this up?'.  They're 'mazing


Next up and probably my favorite (classic-boring I know, but once again I'm trained to look for staying power) are Restoration Hardware's linen striped curtains.  They sing SPRING!


IKEA is a great alternative especially if you're on a budget.  I love most all of their stuff but I can't say I've gotten any major pieces from them.  I love their price point tho' and being Swedish can't hurt either.

I used to be a big Pottery Barn fan from way back when, and I still find many things I love there.  I do really enjoy stepping out of a traditional comfort zone and exploring my contemporary /eclectic side.  This pair is a favorite of mine.


Comments are not only welcome but excitedly encouraged.  smiles.  hApPy fRidAy Y'all!!!

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