19 June, 2014

A Dining room...

Well, it looks as though this is my 2nd post of 2014. That's sad. I can't believe June is two thirds over already.

So, there's quite a few things i've got working this summer. Mostly though I've been working on my formal dining room.  Some old stuff & some new stuff i've collected for my dining room. Also, slowly but surely recovering a few of my dining chair seats. My main dining room wall is hung with sweet pictures by my boys, little paintings, special prints, and mementos that are meaningful to our family.  I call 'em my "love nuggets". I also love hanging them haphazardly and not perfectly on the wall. It looks so much homier and real that way.  I found the bright yellow covered urn a couple weeks ago. I love a bright yellow pop against my dark teal walls. This room has dark teal, yellow, and black as it's main colors. Here's a few pics of my dining room>>>  The color on my walls photographs totally different depending on the time of day.  I'd say the first picture depicts the color most accurately.  I found the the lamps (Chapman & Co.) at the thrift store.  I'm on the hunt for shades for them. The buffet table circa 1960's was from my parents. I love the patina on it.  My Dad made us the beautiful wine rack.  It's very special.  You can see my rug that's fairly new. My boys call it "the beehive".  Also considering curtains.  I'll take some more pictures of the room  when it comes all together and post them.

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