27 October, 2010

Rice Cookers

If you want to make really delicious rice, like you get in Thai and other Asian restaurants you need a rice cooker.  I use mine all the time.  I often use a Korean rice called Botan.  It's very good. I also like Jasmine rice.  Take a trip to your local Asian Market.  You won't believe all the different kinds of rice they sell.
Using a rice maker is easy. Follow instructions on your rice package.  You rinse the rice first and then add the water.  I just push down the cook button and when it's done it pops up all by itself.  No worries about burning the rice.  I believe this machine made by Cuckoo was under $20 when I bought it a couple years ago.  If you eat a lot of rice like my family does you should consider a rice cooker.

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